Dumpster Fire

Divorce Papers or Plastic?

Vadim Dambreville
9 min readApr 25, 2024


A close-up photograph of a man’s white collared shirt, focusing on a distinct lipstick mark in a rich, red shade imprinted on the fabric just below the collar.
The Mark of a Moment’s Weakness, Forever Sealed in Cotton | Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Previously 👇

Frozen Meals, Bland Vegetables, and a Side of Consequences

Divorce Papers or Plastic?

The soft bristles of the paintbrush glided gracefully, leaving a vibrant trail of cobalt blue in their wake. A contented sigh danced on Sarah’s lips as the color met the canvas, matching the gleam of fulfillment in her green eyes. Stepping back in admiration, she tilted her head slightly, glancing over her bold strokes as a radiant grin lit up her features. Sunlight, warm and inviting, streamed through the opened curtains, bathing Sarah’s skin in its glow. A gentle hum filled the space as the fan circulated the air. The delicate scent of jasmine tea mingled with the sweet whisper of acrylic paint, a soothing blend that always seemed to spark Sarah’s creativity.

As she painted, her mind drifted to the day they received the news of David’s orders to Cherry Point. Years of duty at Camp Pendleton and, prior to that, Okinawa were finally behind them. The…



Vadim Dambreville

Multifaceted storyteller, explorer of life's depths. From diverse experiences, I craft inspiring narratives. Join my journey!